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GRDC Final Report 2024 - Fallow Management and the Economic Costs

Key Messages to highlight:

1. Growers considering fallow should implement a ‘brown out’ practic...

Farming System

Fallow Trials - GRDC Update

2024 GRDC Grains Research Update...

Farming System

Fallow Trials - Information

Farm scale trial information from 2022 and 2023  ...


Fallow Trials - Nitrogen

2022 & 2021 Information...


Reducing carbon emissions from fertiliser

The results of this study estimated that only 50% of the nitrogen fertiliser growers apply is used by the crop. The remaining 50% is lost to the envir...


A Closer Look At Potassium Responses

Good scientific methods and analysis of results from Laconik trials provide information that is independent, accurate, reliable and useable. Fertilise...