Laconik Trial®

Paddock scale trials that are simple,
easy and scientific.

Forget product demonstration strips. Laconik Trial® is strip trials done properly;
scientifically and replicated.


Laconik Trials® completed

“Run our own on-farm trials”

Kim Graham, Grower

1.5 t/ha

Increase in grain yield recorded

Measure the benefits of new products scientifically.

Yield Response

Measure yield responses to trial treatments at the whole of paddock scale.


Add product cost and crop price and calculate Profit Margin and Return on Investment.

Raw Data

Download the raw data and conduct your own, in-depth, scientific analysis

In-season Monitoring

Continuously monitor crop responses to trial treatments and collect data in real time.

NDVI Monitoring

By using NDVI we see how crops are responding to trial treatments.

Increase Product Sales

Use the results from Laconik Trial® to market your new product.

See Laconik Trial® in action

Scientific, Grower Scale Demonstrations

Once the trial design has been finalised a generic computer file is created and uploaded into the
rate controller in the boomspray, seeder bar or fertiliser spreader. At harvest, grain yield data is
uploaded to the Laconik platform where it is automatically statistically analysed, and the results are

Product Highlights

We make on-farm trials simple

  • Replicated, scientific strips
  • Plots aligned with growers machinery
  • Set different rates for testing
  • NDVI and yield data automatically collected and analysed
  • ‘Drag & Drop’ trial anywhere in growers paddock

Custom Trials Designs

We can test any product with
custom trial designs

If you are developing a new product in agriculture and want to collect data on its performance to support its registration or marketing, contact us.


A plug & play into
your ecosystem

Every modern farm machine comes with the hardware and software to enable a Laconik Trial® trial design.

In-Season Monitoring

Real Data,
Real Results

Laconik uses satellite imagery to continually monitor crop responses to trial treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t able to find the answers you’re looking for?
Reach out to us via our contact page.

What is Laconik Trial® used for?

Rather than conducting product demonstration strips, use Laconik Trial®. We will setup scientifically valid, famer scale plots to collect the data you need you to support marketing and promotion efforts.

What equipment do I need to use Laconik Trial®?

Growers needs variable rate capable machinery. Every modern farm machine comes equipped to use Laconik Trial®. To put a Laconik Trial® in a field we need a paddock boundary, A:B line (GPS co-ordinates) and a grain yield map after harvest. Laconik can be synced with John Deere Operations. If not on John Deere, send us a shapefile with the info we need and we can get to setup.

When is the best time to use Laconik Trial®?

Any time during the growing season. Measure spatial responses to compound fertilisers by putting trials out at seeding or conduct in-season N and fungicide trials.

What crops can Laconik Trial® be used with?

Broadacre crops - wheat, barley, canola, peas, beans, corn, soybeans plus many more.

Gather your data today

Get Started With Laconik

To learn more about Laconik and how we can help you
collect the data you need contact us.